How TJ was birthed
The Lord spoke to three different individuals giving them a plan for reaching the city of Jacksonville and transforming it. These three people did not know one another, so the way the Lord put them together is, in itself, miraculous. Each of these three is a confirmation to the other two that this plan is, indeed, from God. The plan is to divide the city into sections, to call the Christians together in each section, to go out into that section to get to know the residents. Participants of Transformation Jacksonville are to treat residents the same way that Jesus Himself would treat them, i.e. to determine their needs and to show love for them by meeting those needs, especially the need for salvation. Gods love has been so transforming in the lives of TJ participants that they wish to share that love with those they encounter. They, in turn, will tell others about the love of God, and those they tell will tell still others until the entire city is reached. Transformation Jacksonville desires to see Gods plan carried out.